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Mur d'images - 14 images
When AI Thinks It Will Lose, It Sometimes Cheats, Study Finds | TIME
OpenAI has upped its lobbying efforts nearly seven-fold | MIT Technology Review
Waiting for Takeoff: The short-term impact of AI adoption on firm productivity | The Dais
AI-powered resurrections in Mexico are raising privacy fears | Rest of World
Making an image with generative AI uses as much energy as charging your phone | MIT Technology Review
Tech Companies Turned Ukraine Into an AI War Lab | TIME
Gen Z driving early adoption of Gen AI, our latest research shows | Ofcom
Actionable AI: The rise of Large Action Models | LeewayHertz
Signal's Meredith Whittaker: AI is fundamentally 'a surveillance technology' | TechCrunch
These Women Warned Of AI's Dangers And Risks Long Before ChatGPT | Rolling Stone
AI Is Steeped in Big Tech’s ‘Digital Colonialism’ | WIRED
Google and Kairos Power Partner to Deploy 500 MW of Clean Electricity Generation | Kairos Power
AI machines aren’t ‘hallucinating’. But their makers are - Naomi Klein | The Guardian
The Environmental Impacts of AI - Sasha Luccioni on Hugging Face
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